
39, Marni Str.
10432, Athens
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Having a constant presence of more than 60 years in the Greek and international market sector of paints, varnishes and industrial coatings, CHROTEX is nowadays one of the market leaders in the Greek paints sector. Moreover, the firm has been successfully exporting in the Balkans and the Middle East, proving the international competitive capabilities of its products.
Based on the principle of providing the "most suitable paint for every particular use", CHROTEX has developed a wide, complete range of products covering the demands of every paint application:
· Building paints
· Wood finishes
· Metal surface coatings
· Can and Metal printing coatings
· (lacquers, varnishes, inks)
· Industrial Coatings
The key policy of CHROTEX is concentrated in continuous research and development efforts coupled with an effective distribution and customer service. Both product and service quality are ensured by the ISO 9001 standard. The company owns two modern factories and three major warehouses in Greece, as well as trading branches (sales offices and warehouses) in Romania and Bulgaria.
CHROTEX has been the supplier of paint systems for stadiums and venues for the 2004 Olympics, as well as the fleet of the new suburban railway of Athens. The magnitude of these projects guarantees the reliability and high service quality signed by CHROTEX.