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5th klm N.R kastoria - Nestorio, Kolokynthou,
52100, Kastoria
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The organic philosophy of Arosis accompanies our products, in each and every package. We want our products to grow naturally and that involves respect and obedience to nature and its needs. We get all we can from the land and all its resources, but we do not deplete it and we protect the health of those who honour us with their trust.
We invest in sustainable development and efficiently combine the protection of the environment with the reduction of energy spending and the creation of jobs.
In other words, our farming is organic and our management and production system involve minimal human intervention. This translates into lesser impact on the environment and into handling each production stage in a natural and functional way.
At Arosis we make sure that we finish what we start and on top of that, in the best way possible. That is why our quality control starts in the field.
The farmers know how to listen to and obey the wishes of the soil, since the families of most of them have been involved in its cultivation for centuries. They let the land rest when it is needed, and the soil repays them with crops of unparalleled quality after their rest. The first quality control takes place right there and then, in the field thanks to the agronomist that is next to the farmers every step of the way.
Next, the product reaches the Arosis facilities where investments in state-of-the-art equipment have been made in at amount that exceeds one million euros. What follows is the chain of procedures –cleaning, ecological insect elimination, drying, selection, packaging- all of which guarantee the quality of the final product.
Although the procedures followed set the bar really high and have passed the test of time, we didn’t hesitate to add yet another control stage. The human factor is set to motion and thus we get to the stage of hand picking. The human eye performs the last check and seals every arosis product, ensuring that you get top quality at your table and that the area gets to have more jobs. Like we said, in Arosis we live and create in a place that gives us much and to which we owe much, so we choose to always give back.
The implementation of quality systems EN ISO 9001:2000 and EN ISO 22000:2005 is part of the strict control process and certify in the best possible way the upkeeping of the highest quality standards.
Allow us to add that each product is packaged after an order is placed. Before packaging one more check is performed and an extra hand selection so as to guarantee the Arosis quality.
Legumes, Rice.