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1o Km Xarilaou - Thermis
57000, Thessaloniki

+30 2310305458
+30 6974357470 - +30 6970200517

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Liquid wallpaper Olympos is produced in Greece for more than 40 years.
With taste and eagerness, we constantly develop and improve our product, having spectacular results in quality and color variety.

Liquid wallpaper is an ecologic decorative material with unique beauty which also provides insulating properties. It was first produced in Japan in 60s.

First came in Greece in the early 70s. It was so pioneering and hard to describe that because of its origin, became known as Japanese. Nowadays the most common name is the liquid wallpaper.

Properties and Advantages

Decorative: adds style, character and elegance.
Thermal insulation: Keeps the place warm in winter and cool in summer.
Applying liquid wallpaper Olympos is being created an additional layer of neutral temperature layer.
Our place is getting warmer and cooler more easily, saving energy and money.
Sound insulation: Absorbs the echo, providing a sense of peace and relaxation.
Hygienic – ECO: Non toxic, friendly to the environment.
Long lasting and durable: Colors that are kept unchanged for many years, reducing the renovation frequency, saving you from trouble and expenses.
It regulates indoor moisture in the room:  Our walls breathe, absorb the internal moisture you create from cooking and gradually eliminate it by reducing the effect of mold on walls and ceilings.
Is very elastic material: It does not pop, it does not crack.
Covers cracks and wall imperfections: Hides uneven, old and faded walls.
Fireproof:  Does not ignite.
Allows partially repair
Is available in a wide variety of vibrant timeless colors.
Is quick and easy to apply: We need only a plastic bucket, water and a plastic or a stainless/inox trowel!
Liquid wallpaper Olympos fiberwall, has no expiry date while still in bag!
Liquid wallpaper.