
Find a Greek Partner


153, Stratou Ave.
56429, Polychni, Thessaloniki

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The company “STIVOS S.A.” was founded in 1997 having as its object expansion into the area of sports installation construction. Within a short space of time the company managed to establish itself within the sector and is now considered as the leading enterprise in this market covering 50% of the relative projects in Greece.

It is located in Polychni, Thessaloniki and targets the construction of sports installations mainly, as well as the trading and representation of sports items and equipment in the Greek market.
At present, our company exclusively represents the German company BSW which manufactures sports flooring and in particular material for structural applications.

STIVOS S.A. is a well organized technical - manufacturing company which offers a high level of service not only in the manufacturing of sports installations but also in its long term technical support. The company is located in privately owned premises where its offices administration production and assembly units, mainly for metal constructions, are situated.

The company has sufficient technical equipment to allow it to satisfy the needs of any project it may undertake. It also has experienced and specialized personnel (salesmen, technical staff - mechanics), 7 vehicles for transportation, 3 of which are lorries and one crane. The company’s technical personnel comprises 8 specialized staff in total.

Equipment for stadiums and gymnasiums, Indoor and outdoor flooring surfaces for shops, Synthetic lawns, Tartan track surfaces.
Sales & Export Manager:
Mr. Apostolos Kotoudis
Type of company sought:
Construction / Manufacturing companies, Planning offices